Tuesday, October 16, 2012


On those nights I'm plagued by insomnia I plug in the Netflix and find some interesting flick that eventually lulls me to sleep.  Last night was the exception.  Charlotte Bronte's latest Jane Eyre is too luscious a masterpiece to sleep through. Every decade it seems more versions of this ultimate in romance are produced--I counted twelve Jane Eyre remakes since 1930. The latest with MiaWasikowska and Michael Fassbender, will not only keep you up, it'll leave you totally inspired. To get to the really good stuff in the main storyline you do need to plow though the maze of Jane's abusive and lonely childhood. Eventually she meets the quintessential Gothic novel hero in the brooding Edward Rochester when she becomes his ward's governess. And of course other stuff is happening through this intricately woven story of layered emotions.  For depth, few love stories are this all encompassing.  That's why the bridal gown in this particular production of Jane Eyre by Michael O'Connor was a real treat. For me it was symbolic and as pure as the moral fiber that stitched this character together scene by scene. From her veil embroidered with tiny florals attached to a bonnet, to the silk ruffled taffeta dress, everything about Jane Eyre as a bride really got to me. A real must see for not only die-hard romantics but even the most practical of women fall in love with Jane's strength. Don't miss the scene where Mia Wasikowska removes her bridal gown from the box as if it's the most precious gift in the world . . .
You can actually catch glimpse of the dress below in this trailer here

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